Discover all the tricks on how to dye white hair without using dyes! Yes, you read that right, it’s possible!
You looked in the mirror and… help, you discovered the first white hair! You may not know it, but to cover them it is not necessary to resort to dyes. There are many alternative products on the market, such as sprays and mascara, or you can resort to natural remedies such as coffee or henna.
How to color only white hair
Hair that turns white or gray is part of the natural and inevitable aging process, but most women prefer to hide it.
The most used products are certainly chemical-based dyes, which can seriously damage the hair, cause the stem to break over time, increase its fall, even lead to the risk of developing medical problems, such as cancer. If you don’t want to flaunt your white hair with style you can also do it without dyes, let’s see some methods.
Dye sprays for white hair
Concealer sprays cover root regrowth, they are available in a variety of shades, just choose the one that comes close to your hair tone. They are sprayed at a distance of about 10 cm and left to dry. Sprays can hide your gray hair until the next wash.
Cover white hair with mascara
Born in recent years, coloring mascaras are an easy, fast and very precise remedy for white hair. All you have to do is color the white threads by passing the brush over them, like a brush. For best results, start at the roots and work your way down to the lengths. Wait for it to dry and brush your hair to make it smooth and natural.
Get rid of white hair with powders
Available in many colors, temporary powders are a quick fix for coloring gray roots. They have a texture that is close to eye shadows and are applied with a brush. They are resistant to water and sweat and can generally last until the next shampoo. You can also carry them with you in your bag for a quick retouch!
Cover white hair with coffee
If you were looking for an even more natural solution, you may already have it at hand in the kitchen! It’s about coffee. It is not a permanent solution, in fact it should be applied a couple of times a week. Here’s how to do it:
- Make two cups of coffee
- Add a tablespoon of ground coffee and a cup of hair conditioner
- Mix everything and apply it by massaging the skin to distribute it evenly
- Comb well
- Wrap your hair in a cap or with clear plastic for two hours and then rinse with warm water
- Coloring gray hair with cocoa
Cocoa is not only good for making a delicious hot chocolate or cake, it is also a natural remedy for dyeing white hair.
Perfect for dark hair, it gives a coppery shade and illuminates the hair. To prepare your chocolate dye do this:
- Mix 1 or 2 pots of plain yogurt together with 50 grams of cocoa
- Add 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
- Mix everything well until you get a cream
- Apply the mask by combing it to spread it evenly
- Leave on for 1 hour and then wash your hair with a mild shampoo
Shampoo to cover gray hair
A more delicate alternative to dyes are shampoos for white hair, they do not contain ammonia or hydrogen peroxide, very aggressive substances. They are used as a normal shampoo, they act less deeply, give a temporary result and are suitable for those with little white hair.
They can last from 6 to 10 washes. There are also reflecting shampoos that you can use to retouch the regrowth between one color and another.
Henna to cover gray hair
Henna, and the herbs that dye in general, can be used to change your hair color or to give delicate reflections. Red henna is the one that dyes more than others, the only one that truly covers white hair and should be applied to clean hair.
The process is easy:
- Add the amount of powder necessary for the length of your hair to a bowl of lukewarm water
- Get a cream that is not too liquid to prevent it from running down
- Wrap your hair in a cap or with clear plastic for about 4 hours
- Rinse, preferably without shampoo but applying a little conditioner