Brazilian straightening: What are the risks?


We often hear about Brazilian straightening. This technique, which consists of disciplining unruly hair, is all the rage with women charmed by the idea of smooth, silky hair. But beyond the shine and softness that this treatment offers, does it involve risks for the hair or even for health?

Side effects of Brazilian straightening

Regular use of certain hair care products can cause hair loss and damage to the hair fiber. We can also observe allergic reactions to keratin, burns, skin rashes. It is therefore important to find out about treatments and their composition and above all choose quality products to avoid side effects.

Common Side Effects of Chemical Hair Straightening

Some of the most common side effects of chemical straightening products include damage to the hair structure and skin irritation. Among the side effects associated with the compounds in hair straightening products:

  • Skin Problems and Rashes
  • Vision impairment and vision loss
  • Hair loss (often temporary)
  • Allergic sensitization, i.e. becoming sensitive to an allergen
  • Asthma attacks and other respiratory complications

Long-term effects of hair straightening chemicals

In addition to keratin, Brazilian straightening contains formalin or formaldehyde which also contributes to hair straightening. However, in the long term, this substance can damage the hair sheath and cause hair loss. In addition, the last step of straightening with the heating plates causes damage to the hair and weakens it, particularly if it is colored or bleached. Furthermore, the silicone and paraffin contained in hair straightening suffocate the hair and can damage its shine over time.

How to avoid side effects of keratin hair straightening?

The effectiveness of chemical-free hair straightening methods is certainly debated, but trying them is safe!

For example, you can apply hair masks or essential oils, or use a natural product like coconut oil to soften the hair fiber and eliminate frizz.

Flat irons are also safe, but they can damage hair if used excessively.
To avoid the side effects of straightening, you can also:

  • Avoid harsh shampoos and refrain from using conditioners. Choose sulfate-free shampoos.
  • Keep your hair as dry as possible, avoiding wetting it unnecessarily.
  • Consider wearing hats or scarves when you are exposed to the sun or when doing strenuous exercise.

Is hair straightening safe?

Hair straightening treatments expose the hairdresser and client to formaldehyde, a proven asthma and carcinogen. Parabens, also found in hair straightening products, are associated with reproductive problems.

So-called formaldehyde-free hair straightening products do not formally contain this substance as an ingredient, but rather they contain other chemicals that release formaldehyde upon contact with the high heat necessary for these straightening treatments to work. Moreover, according to Passport Santé, it is this controversial formaldehyde which is responsible for the smoothing effect of the treatment.

What are the short-term risks of straightening?

According to Tracey Woodruff, a professor specializing in research into the health impact of harmful chemicals, inhaling formaldehyde can worsen asthma and cause coughing and wheezing.

Formaldehyde can also cause a stinging sensation in the nose and eyes, as well as skin irritation. People exposed to formaldehyde have also complained of dizziness, headaches, nausea, vomiting and chest pain, as reported by the New York Times.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, exposure to high levels of formaldehyde can even lead to bronchitis. As Dr. Woodruff explains, some people are more sensitive to formaldehyde than others. That said, anyone who experiences a reaction after using a hair straightening product should stop using it and consult their doctor.

What are the long-term health risks?

Many straightening products contain harmful ingredients such as caustic lye, formaldehyde, parabens or benzophenone-3. The United Nations Environment Program has classified certain types of parabens as endocrine disruptors. Also, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) of the World Health Organization classifies formaldehyde as a carcinogen. As we can read on Passeport Santé, the most serious problem with keratin straightening or Brazilian straightening is formaldehyde, also known as formalin. This compound has been classified since 2005 by the WHO as a dangerous and carcinogenic substance.

More serious side effects of Brazilian straightening may be observed in the long term. Indeed, hair straightening products containing harmful chemicals can be responsible for serious illnesses. According to an American study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, regular use of hair straightening or straightening products significantly increases the risk of developing uterine cancer in women before the age of 70. This observation is corroborated by the newspaper Le Monde which published this study. Black women would therefore be more exposed to the risks of hair chemicals.

Researchers in the study cited above found that women who reported using hair straightening products more than four times during the year were twice as likely to develop uterine cancer as those who did not. don’t use chemicals to straighten their hair. Researchers have also found a link between hair straightening products and breast and ovarian cancers. Women using these products every five to eight weeks had about a 30% increased risk of developing breast cancer.

How do you know if a product contains formaldehyde?

To find out if a product contains formaldehyde, simply read the list of ingredients. Look for formaldehyde, methylene glycol, or formalin in the list.

If you’re getting treatment at a salon, ask if their products contain these chemicals and what steps are being taken to reduce exposure, such as improving ventilation.

As Kimberly Bertrand, an epidemiologist at Boston University’s Sloane Epidemiology Center, explains, researchers have not comprehensively identified all the chemicals in hair straightening products that could increase cancer risk. In contrast, several research organizations have classified formaldehyde as a carcinogenic chemical. Hair straightening chemicals have also been linked to fibroids and fertility problems, Dr. Bertrand added.


What is the point of doing Brazilian straightening?

According to Madame Le Figaro, Brazilian straightening is a keratin straightening technique. This treatment is particularly dedicated to women who have frizzy or curly hair and who want to make it more supple. This straightening is also suitable for women who want to tame frizzy hair.

Can Brazilian straightening be done by yourself at home or in a salon?

You can do this straightening in a hair salon, or at home using specific Brazilian straightening kits.

If you are straightening at the salon, the hairdresser will apply a cream to all of your hair, except the roots, after shampooing. The product is distributed evenly using a fine comb. You will leave the smoothing product to act for 15 minutes in the salon and an application time of at least 48 hours at home. You will return to the salon after two or three days for final drying using a hairdryer and straightener.

How long does Brazilian straightening last?

Brazilian straightening can last up to three or four months. It depends on the nature of your hair. Its particularity is that it resists shampoos well, provided that they are not aggressive and that they do not contain sulfates or parabens.

Do not confuse this technique with Japanese straightening which is a type of straightening that gives a very stiff blow-dry appearance. The result can last up to six months.

How much does Brazilian straightening cost?

For Brazilian straightening in a salon, you can count on between 150 and 500 euros on average. The price varies depending on the length of your hair and the hair salons you frequent.

Can you tie your hair after Brazilian straightening?

After this treatment, you can leave your hair natural or blow dry which will be much easier. That said, it is advisable not to tie your hair in the days following the treatment, nor to wash it quickly.

What are the contraindications for Brazilian straightening?

According to Passeport Santé, Brazilian straightening is strongly not recommended for pregnant women, due to the presence of formalin, often in quantities higher than European standards. When used in high doses, this carcinogen can cause fetal malformations.

It is also not recommended to apply this smoothing to children, because they are more sensitive to toxic substances, due to their less mature respiratory system.

People suffering from asthma and allergies should also avoid applying this treatment on a regular basis.


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