Some useful strategies and tips to make your hair thicker and your scalp healthier in view of the autumn period. In this period, in fact, you lose 20/30% more hair than the rest of the year.
Fragility, lack of hydration, hair that feels rough to the touch, but also the presence of a sensitive or irritated scalp, are all signs that precede and accompany hair loss. When hair loss becomes considerable and we panic, the first thing we do is buy anti-hair loss products at random, but they don’t always work.
To combat hair loss, you must first act from the inside, with a proper diet that provides all the essential nutrients for healthy scalp. For this reason, citrus fruits are essential, rich in vitamin C that facilitates the absorption of iron, almonds for their biotin, salmon, eggs and yogurt with strengthening vitamin D. Even olive oil, with its polyphenols, phytosterols and chlorophylls, has an antioxidant action.
Hair goes through a life cycle divided into various phases: growth defined as Anagen, involution defined as Catagen and rest defined as Telogen. Therefore, it is completely normal and physiological for there to be a generalized loss of 100 hairs per day. If you lose more than 150 hairs per day, if the loss affects limited areas of the scalp and if, when splitting a tuft of hair, we notice that more than five remain between the fingers, then it is time to seek the opinion of a specialist.
To slow down hair loss, it is important to cleanse the hair by opting for a cleansing shampoo that helps remove all impurities and excess sebum, perhaps enriched with zinc, ginseng or guarana that can act on the hair bulbs responsible for hair loss. Apply conditioner to damaged hair at least once a week to regain the softness they have lost.
You can then apply nourishing masks or compresses based on natural components such as almond oil, oats or shea butter which are rich in various nutrients that are good for the hair. At the hairdresser you can also request a regenerating and purifying peeling of the scalp, for a beneficial reset of dead cells and residues of pollution and dirt.