How to Wind Hair for Night?

How to Wind Hair for Night?

For the last couple of years, curls have become a real hit among hairstyles. They are suitable for every day, and for a special event. To create flawless locks the hair dryer, ironing and many other devices will help, however, they do not spare the hair, so using them constantly is harmful. Nevertheless, you can wind hair for the night, if you make some preparations. Wet hair, fixed in a suitable condition, will keep the shape well and will please the girl with the result.

Tips for a night wave

Only clean hair can be wound, so you must first wash them with a shampoo for daily use and balm. Means for care, intended for daily use, softer in structure, so the scalp does not dry out. The use of balsam is not necessary, but as practice shows, rinsers greatly facilitate the work with wet hair. And also prevent excessive loss during combing.

Never twist wet hair. They should only be moist, so dry them in a convenient way: a hairdryer or a towel. It is preferable to use a towel as a more gentle means. It is used to periodically wet out excess moisture, but it is undesirable to rub it with a head.

On slightly dried strands, a foam or other styling agent is applied. This will make the hair softer and more docile, it will be easier to wind it, since there will be practically no ugly strands that have been knocked out. After applying mousse or foam, the head should be slightly dried again and only then proceed to curl.

How to Wind Hair for Night?


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