How to cover white hair without using the classic color or the hairdresser’s intervention? It is possible to resort to some natural remedies, such as dyeing plants and herbal infusions. The vegetable colors, like henna, require rather long application times to allow the coverage of white hair.
It is therefore advisable to let the henna and other vegetable powder preparations work for at least two hours, before going to the rinse and normal washing of the hair. Here are some useful ideas.
Amla is a curative and coloring vegetable powder used mainly by Indian women to strengthen the hair and to revive its color. It can be used alone, mixed with warm water, or in addition to henna, to obtain more intense shades. Massaging amla or amla oil on the scalp promotes hair growth, stimulates the follicles and helps to improve the pigmentation of the hair. The amla powder can be purchased online.
Henna (Lawsonia inermis) is a coloring powder of vegetable origin suitable for covering white hair. On white hair, using pure henna, you will get shades that can vary from golden to coppery. Henna can be mixed with other natural coloring powders, such as indigo or walnut husk, to achieve greater coverage and darker shades.
Indigo (Indigofera dyeing) is a powder suitable for coloring hair and can guarantee coverage of white hair especially when used in combination with henna. Especially those with dark hair are recommended. The pure indigo tinges with black, with possible mahogany or purple shades depending on the basic color of the hair. The best technique is to mix henna and indigo in the preparation of natural dyeing or to make a color before henna and then only indigo, especially if the white hair is numerous.
Walnut husk
Like henna and indigo, walnut husk also represents a natural coloring powder of vegetable origin, easily found in herbal medicine. It can be mixed with hot water to obtain a creamy mixture to be spread over the hair to cover the white hair, on which you will get brown-golden shades. It can also be used to darken henna, mixing it with it in the preparation of the coloring.
The alcanna, a vegetable powder obtained from the roots of Alcanna dyeing, allows to obtain a red-mahogany color. Its use is useful to revive the hair and to cover the white hair. It can be mixed with henna or walnut husk to obtain the desired shades of color. It must be mixed with hot water or strong tea to prepare a creamy mixture to be applied to the hair
The aromatic herbs that we normally use in cooking can be an excellent remedy to darken white hair. In this case it is possible to use a strong infusion of rosemary, to be used as the last rinse of the hair after the shampoo, once it has cooled. Rosemary essential oil, however, can be massaged into the scalp to prevent dandruff and hair loss, as well as to stimulate follicles and circulation.
Mascara for do-it-yourself hair
Hair mascaras allow you to avoid using the actual color and to cover only white hair. For sale there are several products of this type, but it is good to know that you can prepare a mascara for natural hair by purchasing the basic ingredients online and following the appropriate recipe. Using suitable coloring powders, you can try to get the shade that is closer to that of your hair.
Coconut oil
If your hair is starting to gray too soon, try reviving its tonality and slowing down the aging process by applying a mixture of coconut oil and some drops of lemon juice to the skin and foliage. Thanks to this remedy you will get healthier and brighter hair in a natural way and, applying it consistently, you can mask the first white hair.
Black tea, rich in pigments and beneficial antioxidants, is useful for reviving hair color and for masking the first white hair. It can be applied to the hair, once cold, in the form of an infusion and left to act for an hour before going to the shampoo, or it can be used as a last reviving rinse.
With sage you can prepare a strong infusion to use as a hair pack before shampooing, or as a last rinse. Its regular use makes it possible to revive the color of the foliage and to darken the first white hair, which will gradually take on a golden color, at least partially hiding their presence.