Even on short hair, you can make beautiful, neat or careless curls with ironing. Using this tool, the owners of the cuts of the square or the bean can give an additional volume to the hairstyle. Interesting options for laying, the rules for choosing and operating the device, as well as all the details of how to curl locks ironing on short hair, you can learn from the article.
Choosing a model of the tool, you can literally get lost in the assortment that modern manufacturers offer. Differences in the size and material of the coating plates, the number of thermal modes, the speed of heating, additional options, all this affects the quality of the device and its cost.
Make laying short haircuts easier than those that descend below the shoulders, if you know the features of the procedure:
The secret of a natural wavy hairstyle is in capturing thick pieces and a low temperature regime;
For quads and other short haircuts, fine curls are optimal. To get them, twist the thin strands;
To make classic waves, hold the iron horizontally;
The vertical position of the device is the way to get spiral curls. But be careful: so you can burn the tips;
Elongated face fit large curls, round and small.