How to make curly hair: innovative techniques used abroad

How to make curly hair

How to make curly hair? There are so many ways you do not know!

We’re not talking about the classic curling irons, hair dryers or curls. We talk about crazy techniques, brilliant, absurd, strange, at the limit of the incredible!

Solutions come from the web: girls from all over the world have ventured to find unconventional solutions. Creating a curly look or making wavy hair has never been so nice and trendy like this time. We show you lots of new ideas to create super-defined hair with some very special tricks!

Curly Hair with Curlformers

The curlformers are colorful “springs” in which the hair strands are inserted, thanks to the help of a hook provided, they allow the hair to adapt to the shape of the spring. Once removed, the curl will be super-defined, natural and very voluminous.

Make Curly Hair with Kitchen Sprays

A playful but absolutely economical tendency is to use simple kitchen sponges to create soft waves on our hair.

With the simple use of a rubber band, it will be possible to stop our hair styled and to hold, in comfort, our mini creation. At will, you can moisten the sponges to create a more defined blur. You do not need the heat, just let them dry naturally, maybe in the sun!

Curly Hair with Wooden Pencil

For those who love very voluminous hair, a trend in vogue, is to create a torchon with our hair and roll it around a wooden pencil, then pass the plate along its entire length. The final effect will be very special, perfect for creating special hairstyles.

The risk is to burn the pencil .. what do you say?

Use Iron Wire: Curly Hair Frisee Effect

Colorful and very practical are these iron wires, protected by a particular fabric (they are also found in rubber, very cheap) that allow you to roll the hair, both very tight for curls more defined and softer and give our hair an effect wild and glamor.

Foil Paper: Long-lasting Soft Curls

The tinfoil, a great heat conductor, allows a perfect hair fold, thanks to the use of a curly hair or a plate.

Fabric Flakes: Super Curly Hair

A method that goes back to the age of our grandmothers, when there were still no hair styling tools. To make curly hair you can use very nice and very cheap strips of fabric on which to roll our hair.

It is possible to make wavy hair or create a lot of movement on our hair, depending on the needs. Of course, it takes a bit ‘of patience, because you have to leave them posing for several hours. Alternatively you can go to sleep with your hair rolled up and then in the morning melt them.

Strange Methods for Making Curly or Wavy Hair

What do you think of these new techniques to create curly or wavy looks on our hair? Have you already tried one of these fun methods?

In Europe, America, Australia, China or Japan, girls have fun finding new solutions to curl their hair, and what do we Italian do? Come on, suggest us other innovative ideas!

Let us know in the comments if you also have some hair styling tips!


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