How to dry straight hair: tips and mistakes to avoid

How to dry straight hair: tips and mistakes to avoid

Straight hair is not always easy to manage, but how can it dry perfectly and guarantee a long styling? Let’s find out.

Can it be smooth and perfect hair? It is not that difficult to take care of your hair at home without going to the hairstylist. The only difficulty that sometimes looms are the adverse weather conditions such as wind, humidity or sun and saltiness in the summer that can make straight hair unmanageable. In fact, it may happen that after drying the hair is not well defined. But how can you show off a smooth and perfect hair?

We are here to give you all the suitable suggestions for having perfect straight hair, focusing in particular on the drying phase.

Straight hair: how to prepare it for drying

The drying phase of straight hair begins immediately after applying the conditioner and rinsing, as happens for all hair. After dabbing your hair with a soft terry towel, you can proceed with drying. In this way you will eliminate excess water.

However, it is advisable to comb the hair with a wide-toothed comb, maybe you can divide the hair into several sections if the hair is thick and long, it is not necessary in the case of short hair. The hair must be dried with a hairdryer and a brush, it is recommended to apply a heat protector, so the hair fiber will be protected from high temperatures.

It is now advisable to put the protector in front of the hairdryer, then set the medium speed and high temperature. It is necessary to use a round brush with dense bristles, so it will help you during drying and your smoothness will be nothing short of perfect. You will have to continue like this:

  • divide the hair into small sections;
  • roll the locks slowly around the brush;
  • bring the hair dryer close, but not too much and then slowly remove the brush, letting it fall slowly. In this way the hair will be smooth and silky;
  • doing rotational movements must be a continuous work a bit like hairstylists do. The secret is to move your hand quickly, pass only a couple of times on the locks without insisting too much, to prevent the tips from being damaged and the hair would tend to break;
  • you can define straight hair with the straightener, but only when it is dry.

An alternative way to blow dry straight hair is this:

  • divide the hair into three parts: a central and two lateral strands, divide the central into 3 strands;
  • then wrap the central locks around the curler the large one, with a diameter of 4 cm. Pull the hair well when winding;
  • proceed with the remaining strands, we advise you to fix the hair to the curler with goose beaks;
  • dry your hair with a hairdryer and a peel;
  • unroll your hair only when it is dry.

How to use the plate

After drying your hair with a hairdryer you can define it with the straightener, for some women it is an indispensable tool, without which the styling would not be really perfect. Pay attention to use, because unfortunately, if done incorrectly, the hair can be damaged and damaged.

After drying with a hairdryer, proceed to pass the straightener on the hair, choose the plates made of ceramic. The important thing is to set the temperature at about 160 °, not too high. In this way you will protect your hair without heating it too much so you will prevent it from drying out. Remember that the maximum temperature does not always lead to excellent results, it must also be set according to the type of hair. Women who have very thin and brittle hair, it is not recommended to use the straightener often.

Surely we advise you to prefer plates in which you can adjust the temperature. In order not to make mistakes, let your hair-stylist or trusted shopkeeper advise you. Also do not forget the size, surely for those with short hair they will not be able to use the same straightener as a woman who has long hair and voluminous hair. The advice is to pass the straightener on the hair, starting from the root, until it slips to the ends. Do not pass several times on the same lock, to avoid damaging the tips, a clean and precise movement.

Tips and mistakes to avoid

Before proceeding with drying, do not forget to apply specific products to the hair to define styling, such as spray hairspray and fixing gels. Always prefer the one suitable for your hair, read the advice on the label carefully. The styling can be held for a long time by following a few small tricks, just do a hair mask once a week. You can also use essential oils such as argan oil which will give your hair softness and silkiness. Just apply a few drops on the tips to have a perfect smoothness.

There are mistakes that many women who have straight hair make during the drying phase and before, let’s find out.

1-Leave the hair too wet: it must be dabbed well

2- Apply too much shampoo and conditioner: it weighs down your hair and you won’t get a well-defined hair.

3- Do not comb your hair: it is necessary to do it, so as to detangle the hair and facilitate drying.

4-Do not apply the thermal protector: it is recommended to protect the hair from high temperatures.

5-Do not divide your hair into sections: drying small strands is a tip to follow in order to obtain a perfect result. Same goes for the plate. When you pass the plate you have to keep the strands straight and then slowly slide the plate.

6- Do not clean the brush and plate: no woman thinks of cleaning the plate, but residues of burnt hair may remain. Remove the hair and then clean with a microfibre cloth slightly wet in a solution of water with vinegar. If the plate is made of steel it is fine, if it is ceramic only the damp cloth. Remove the hair that is between the bristles from the brushes, then clean according to our advice.


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