How to become from brunette to blonde in a few steps

How to become from brunette to blonde

It’s not impossible to become a blonde or to come back blonde after a brunette tint. The important thing is to rely on the right professional not to ruin the hair and have unpleasant surprises

Going from blackberry to blonde is not a difficult process, but delicate as removing the red from the hair. The only way to lighten, is to oxygenate and this activity risks ruining the hair; for this reason, if you want to go from blonde to blackberry or go back blonde after a too dark tint you must always rely on an expert and trusting hairdresser, because it is difficult to repair damage caused by a too aggressive or wrong lightening.

Differences between returning blonde and becoming blonde

Getting back blonde and becoming blonde are two very different things. Becoming a blonde from a dark base or a dark tint without previous discoloration is more complicated and requires the intervention of a hairdresser.
The do-it-yourself colors do not lighten the hair of many tones as well as the pickling done by a professional, and often on the packs is reported the result to which one will arrive starting from one color rather than another. An inexperienced hairdresser, oxygenating, risks completely burning the hair.

Switch from blackberry to blonde from a natural color

Becoming a blonde from a dark base can not disregard a chat with a colorist before treatment and, possibly, even a test with a wig to see if the color obtained can be to your liking (you can clear, but then go back it is complicated and potentially harmful). In any case, the hairdresser will observe the base, the color, but also the temperature of the latter: a cold base is easier to lighten, a warm base (which contains a bit of red pigment) needs more time and effort. In any case, a brunette or natural brunette who wants to become blonde can act in these ways:

  • use a color (honey-colored, ash-colored) that is not excessively platinum, without over-stressing the hair;
  • make sunburn or a shatush on your hair by oxygenating and creating a contrast effect between the existing brown or black and the very light blond obtained. This technique risks ruining the hair, so it is essential to apply protectors and restructuring treatments, such as keratin, and moisturizing;

Switch from blackberry to blonde after a wrong dye

If a blonde has dyed dark and then has regretted it, it will not be so complicated to go back to the previous tone. The dark colors “discharge” the color with washes and then, with each shampoo, the color will re-emerge first, initially with simple shades and then it will become increasingly evident. Who wants to come back blonde, therefore, has two possibilities:

  • remove the color for a while and after a while apply again your previous color (tint, sunstrokes, shatush, balayage);
  • immediately reapply dark-colored meches, but protecting the hair with specific treatments and agreed with the beauty salon.

Prevention is always better than cure: if a blonde wants to experiment with a dark tint, but is not 100% sure of the results, she can use a henna or chalk color, with chalk, which can be washed off with a shampoo.

How to avoid ruining the hair

Oxygenation always risks burning hair. To avoid this possible degeneration, in addition to contacting an experienced colorist to become a blond or a brunette, you need to take care of your hair with targeted treatments:

  • masks
  • reconstructions
  • moisturizing products
  • natural products (such as tea tree oil)

It is also necessary to avoid:

  • wash your hair too often
  • use aggressive products
  • brush your hair too vigorously
  • tying hair with rubber bands too frequently
  • exaggerate with a hairdryer and plates

Errors to avoid absolutely

Here are the most common mistakes you make when switching from one color to another and, in particular, when you want to become blond or go back blonde:

  • not to consider that too many treatments ruin the hair;
  • often change beauty salon and then contact professionals who have no idea of the history of (previous) colorations;
  • use the do-it-yourself for too complicated colors;
  • do not accept to proceed in stages: in a few hours to go from black raven to platinum blond is a process not without risks (including an inadequate result).


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