Hair with dandruff? Try to alleviate the problem with quick and easy effective natural remedies. Follow our advice.
Dandruff is a “problem” that affects many people, mostly men but not just the only ones. The problem should never be underestimated, so it is advisable to talk to your doctor, who will certainly be able to advise you on it.
Hair with dandruff can also be a transient problem due to a period of high stress that you are experiencing or following seasonal changes. But there are also situations related to psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, so the problem is by no means transitory.
Hair with dandruff may feel burning and severe itching, in these cases we advise you to avoid scratching. In case of hair with dandruff, let’s find out how to mitigate the problem with effective natural remedies.
Hair with dandruff: effective natural remedies
Dandruff cannot always be reduced with specific products, sometimes you can resort to effective natural remedies. Ask the dermatologist why there are specific cases in which a more targeted intervention is necessary. Let’s look at how to proceed naturally to reduce this discomfort.
White wine or apple vinegar, which you will surely have at home since it is an indispensable product in the kitchen and beyond. Just dilute a few drops of vinegar in warm water, moisten the skin before shampooing. Proceed with the gentle massage without rubbing the skin. If you have time, try making a pack that you can leave on overnight, just wrap your hair in a warm towel.
Olive oil that moisturizes the skin and softens and melts the flakes of dandruff. Just put some in a saucepan and let it heat up a little. Moisten the hair and distribute the oil on a bit of cotton wool and massage the scalp. It requires a little more attention, because you have to distribute well by spreading the strands of hair. Wrap with cling film and let it act for 30 minutes and then proceed with washing.
As an alternative to coconut oil it not only hydrates but unlike olive oil it also leaves a nice scent. 3 tablespoons of oil are enough to distribute on the skin, leave on for an hour and then shampoo. Coconut oil is really useful to have it in your beauty case, find out why.
White yogurt mixed with lemon essential oil helps remedy dandruff. Put half a jar of yogurt and a couple of drops of oil in a small bowl, mix well and apply all over the skin and massage. Let it rest for half an hour and then proceed with the shampoo.
Lemon juice with olive oil is effective in reducing dandruff. You have to prepare a pack that you can apply to a damp scalp before shampooing and it must be left on for 30 minutes. Just mix 2 tablespoons of olive oil and two tablespoons of lemon juice.
You will surely have baking soda like vinegar at home, it is essential because it disinfects the scalp, limiting the production of dandruff. Just moisten the scalp, then distribute the baking soda and scrub gently, leave 10 minutes and rinse carefully. If you want you can add a little to the shampoo and proceed to wash.
Also the aloe vera gel that you have to buy if you don’t have the plant at home. Proceed with a mask, you will immediately notice relief, a real relief. Aloe vera is a natural anti-inflammatory and more. Also indicated in case of itching. Put some gel on the scalp and let it act for about 20 minutes, then rinse and shampoo.
Garlic is a food widely used in cooking, famous and known for its extraordinary virtues. It has antimicrobial properties so in this case of dandruff it will be of great help, only the smell is not at all pleasant. Crush 2 cloves of garlic and rub gently into the scalp. Then proceed with washing.
Finally, try the nettle-based infusion it is really effective. In a saucepan, put 250 ml of heated water and then add a teaspoon of dried nettle flowers. Leave to infuse for 15 minutes. Filter the infusion obtained and then as soon as it has cooled put it in a bottle with spray and rub it on the scalp.
Effective natural remedies for hair with dandruff are recommendations, but not effective for everyone! Try it yourself, but always ask the dermatologist’s opinion, because there are specific cases in which a targeted intervention with specific products is necessary.