Hair Ironing: all methods to get perfect smooth

Hair Ironing

There are alternatives to classic chemical ironing. They work and are less aggressive. Here’s how they work and how much they cost

Perfect straight hair, once and for all. Maybe not just once for all. But to be able to limit the operation a few times a year is the desire of all the women who fight against crisp hair, rebellious curls and wild waves. Also because the ironing of the hair has a cost that it would be preferable not to have to sustain continuously.

How to do permanent hair ironing

The permanent hair ironing is what many hairdressers also call lissage and involves the use of chemicals and creams that break the molecular structure of the hair and impose a new shape on the fiber. The results are not definitive, but are nevertheless lasting. You can choose between different techniques, which use different substances but the principle is almost similar.

Which type of chemical hair straightener depends mainly on the condition of your hair. If the hair is very sensitive is fragile, so as to tolerate even the simple lissage with the electric plate, better to avoid. Otherwise the choice ranges from:

  • Keratin hair ironing
  • Japanese ironing
  • Brazilian ironing
  • Chemical ironing

Keratin hair ironing

To have a smooth, soft and luminous hair without spending too much time at the hairdresser, it is better to choose keratin ironing. It is a rather delicate lissage that covers the hair with keratin going to correct the shape. It is perfect for fighting frizz without attacking the capillary structure or breaking its molecular bonds. The treatment is carried out in a couple of hours, costs between 120 and 150 dollars and its effects last for four weeks

Brazilian keratin ironing

Two hours is the minimum time necessary for the hairdresser to make the Brazilian hair ironing, smoothing treatment that after a specific shampoo involves the application of keratin followed by a smoothing product and finally by using the plate. In short, it is a somewhat more complex method that will prevent you from washing your head for the next 4 days. The cost of Brazilian keratin ironing is around 300 dollars and the smooth effect remains for about a couple of months. The only warning: check that the product does not contain formaldehyde, carcinogenic.

Japanese permanent hair ironing

If you do not dream of curly hair to be envious, but on the contrary love the “spaghetto” ones, Japanese ironing is the most suitable, even if it is a rather aggressive procedure. Indeed, for those who want to radically change looks and go from a curly head to perfect smooth there is nothing better than Japanese ironing. It is necessary to consider spending several hours at the hairdresser, but the results are worth the effort. On the washed and dried hair the hairdresser applies a chemical product that is then rinsed. Dries the head with the hair dryer and then goes to the lissage with a plate followed by a smoothing product. A third wash, a last drying and hair ironing is completed. For this type of hair the cost is quite high, between 350 and 700 dollars, but the thought is raised for at least 6 months.

Chemical hair ironing

With so many less aggressive alternatives available it is not convenient to choose the old, classic chemical ironing. Once it was the only solution, but it would needlessly strand the hair. It is in fact the most aggressive method, contraindicated if the hair is dyed, bleached or very thin. In practice, chemical products are applied that alter the capillary structure, breaking the molecular bonds that are then reconstructed during the second application of the specific acid.

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How to strengten hair in winter


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