Do you have weak, dull or brittle hair? Do you think you need a dietary supplement or hair loss treatment to slow down hair loss and stimulate hair regrowth? Before that, it is important to check that the contents of your plate contain the necessary nutrients for your hair follicles. To fight hair loss and have healthy hair, find out which foods to avoid and which foods to favor.
Oily, dry, sagging, or lacking shine hair … Many women complain about the quality of their hair and try to find remedies to preserve their hair fiber.
What are the causes of hair loss?
Alopecia is the medical term used to refer to partial or total loss of hair. The main causes of this dermatological problem are:
The inherited
When this hair loss is hereditary, it is androgenetic alopecia.
Hormones also play a role in hair loss. Indeed, many women experience hair loss during menopause, after childbirth or following contraceptive treatment or a thyroid disorder. When female hormones decrease, male hormones, known as androgen hormones, increase. In this case, we speak of androgenic alopecia.
Stress is a silent killer that can have various consequences on the human body. In fact, severe stress can disrupt the adrenal glands and cause an increase in male hormones. Alopecia can then occur in stressed people who are predisposed to hair loss.
Although not all chemotherapy will result in hair loss, some protocols used can have this effect.
Alopecia areata
Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease that occurs suddenly and causes one or more round patches to appear, stopping the growth of the hair follicle.
The body is considered to need a set of vitamins, minerals and trace elements to function optimally. Usually, the dietary deficiency responsible for alopecia is iron deficiency. The fall is often gradual and affects the entire scalp. Several symptoms can indicate an iron deficiency.
What foods should you avoid?
For a healthy hair, a healthy diet is required. While some essential nutrients are known to speed hair growth, others are harsh on your mane and make your hair brittle. Here are the foods that are best to avoid to curb hair loss.
According to a scientific study, high levels of mercury may be linked to hair loss. Swordfish is the richest fish in mercury, followed by mackerel and tuna.
Sugar is poisonous for the body and can affect the functioning of several organs such as the heart, liver or even the pancreas. To have beautiful hair, it is strongly recommended to reduce your sugar intake. Michel Cymes explains that type 2 diabetes greatly increases the risk of losing hair.
Refined grains and starches
Like sugar, white bread, cakes, pastries, and other refined starches should be avoided to protect your hair. Opt for whole grains for beautiful hair.
The alcohol
Alcohol lowers the levels of zinc in the body. However, zinc is an essential mineral for hair growth. In this sense, excessive alcohol consumption is often correlated with hair loss.
What are the right things to do to preserve your hair?
While some people get brewer’s yeast, argan or castor oil, capsules, shampoos, hair loss lotions or even drug treatments to stop hair loss, it would seem that without a balanced diet , hair loss in women can become chronic. According to the Mayo Clinic, “incorporating essential vitamins, healthy fats and protein is absolutely essential” for great hair. Thus, several nutrients are recommended to take care of your hair:
1) Biotin
Vitamin B8 or biotin helps in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Once absorbed by the body, it stimulates hair regrowth and helps strengthen it.
2) Vitamin D
This vitamin helps stimulate the hair follicles and prevents hair loss. Dark chocolate, egg yolks, fatty fish like herring and sardines are all foods rich in vitamin D.
3) Vitamin E
Thanks to its antioxidant activity, vitamin D helps fight against oxidative stress on the scalp.
4) iron
As mentioned above, iron is an anti-hair loss nutrient that helps hair grow faster.
5) Vitamin C
Vitamin C or ascorbic acid protects against cellular aging and helps the body to assimilate iron.
6) Omega 3 fatty acids
Omega 3 fatty acids are essential for the body. They help fight inflammation that can lead to hair loss.