Rebels and savages, or amusing and voluminous? Curly hair has no middle ground, there are those who love them and those who hate them: here are the best cuts for curly hair!
Having curly hair means having to spend most of your time at the hair salon. This type of hair can be very fun and certainly gives personality and character, but on the other hand they need special care. For this reason, cuts for curly hair must be customized according to different variables, including the shape of the face and the style of the person.
It is always advisable to go to the hairdresser with an already clear idea of the style you want to obtain: the cuts for short curly hair are in fact very different from the cuts for long curly hair, but the variants are certainly not limited to these. The hedgehog always puts women in question: those who have them would not want them and try to tame them with smoothing treatments, on the contrary those who do not have them dream of having a beautiful thick hair, even if the cure takes longer than the smooth ones. So as not to lose your head and not risk running into too daring styles, it is very important therefore to have a clear understanding of the different types of cuts that can be made.
The best cuts for short curly hair
We start with short curly hair cuts, which are often seen with great perplexity because we risk losing the beauty of the wide wave. In reality this hairstyle gives a lot of character and determination, but the locks must maintain a soft movement that frames the face, enhancing it.
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The best cuts for medium curly hair
The cuts for medium hair instead are back in fashion in the past seasons thanks to the classic, but timeless bob. Light and dynamic, it is animated by waves and enriched by a bangs that can move on both sides. The alternative to the bob is the bob, also a great classic that must however be enriched by a rather short bangs . Finally, if we are looking for cuts for curly hair, the carré can be a trendy and comfortable solution. It is always a medium cut, but in this case it is geometric and well defined, it is not suitable for all types of women, but for those looking for an unusual head of hair it is the perfect solution, especially if combined with trendy colors.
The best cuts for long curly hair
The cuts for long curly hair must necessarily play on the scaling that makes the hair light and lively. In addition to this it is important to use products that eliminate frizz and opacity, the main problems of those with long curly hair. Finally, there is also a solution for those looking for a cheeky look, like a real rock star: the cuts for short curly hair behind and long in front never go out of fashion and indeed, can be the optimal solution for those seeking comfort, combined with style.
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Long Curly Hairstyles
Curly hair and bangs
The cuts for curly hair with bangs are therefore no longer a taboo. Become fashionable in the 90s, they came back in vogue even today but with some tricks, here are some:
- the bangs can be created from curly tufts that graze the eyebrows, but must be accompanied by a short or medium cut;
- the curls must be well defined and not frizzy;
- the optimal solution is that the bangs is light and can move from both sides, or open;
- finally, you can opt for a mixed solution between curls in the length and smooth in the bangs.
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