SOS white hair: sooner or later here the first ones start to appear and with time they become more and more. Find out which are all the effective products to cover them without having to resort to the color
Covering white hair is a necessity that reveals all our vanity. The good news is that there are so many different products to treat our hair. Let’s get to know them one by one.
Her remedy for each hair
Covering white hair is a need that changes with age. The first white hair often catch us off guard and, even if they represent a low blow, they are also the easiest to manage. With age, then, the hair to be covered increases. Do not worry, though: on the market you can find perfect products for our every need.
Let’s start immediately by saying that the remedies for white hair are divided between natural and chemical. In addition, in the last few years dyeing herbs have become widespread, and their use, especially at the beginning, may seem a bit difficult. In reality, it is only necessary to take our hand to obtain satisfactory and lasting results.
Dye white hair: how many different ways!
In general, we can state that the products capable of creating a permanent effect on our hair are chemical ones. However, it should be added that even the vegetable hues, such as henna dyes, have become, over time, more and more performing and able to ensure effective coloring even on white hair.
Here, therefore, a quick overview of all the products on the market:
- mascara for hair and colored spray for re-growth;
- reflective masks;
- plant colors free of ammonia and peroxides;
- henna and mixtures of herbal dyeing;
- permanent colors.
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Mascara for white hair
The first white hair can be covered with mascara and colored spray thanks to instant and super easy touches.
Vegetable tints are no longer just a fallback
In order to cover the dye-free white hair in the past, especially during pregnancy, the plant colors were used. They are distinguished by the absence of chemicals like ammonia, but the coloration that give our hair lasts several weeks. Among the natural remedies for white hair a place of honor deserve, now, the herbs dyeing as the henna. There is no doubt the long time required for laying but the benefits that our hair conquers, repay us with some extra effort to apply it.
How to cover white hair at the hairdresser
The chemical shades represent, always, the choice that is made when you want a long lasting result on the whole hair. A trend that is emerging in recent times also sees the spread of the technique of balayage. To cover all the hair, it is preferable to go to illuminate only the strategic points of the hair. In this way, our starting color is preserved and the foliage has new reflections for a luminous and natural effect.