Baby Bang short bangs: who is it good for and how to wear it

Baby Bang short bangs who is it good for and how to wear it

What is Baby bangs? It is a very short bangs that has been a must have for more than a year now.

The short bangs 2021 has jumped among the top positions in the ranking of the trendiest hair looks of the year, which takes up a little bit the short bangs in vogue in 2019. Not just a bangs, but a saucy measure that does not entirely cover the forehead but it stops more or less at its middle, or shorter still, almost at the upper hairline.

Baby Bang: the origins of the short bangs

Called Baby Bang because it recalls the very short bangs worn by little girls in the early twentieth century, this particular type of bangs became famous in the 1950s thanks to the unforgettable Audrey Hepburn, who wore it with a short and wavy cut. The short bangs, in fact, is perfect both with short cuts like the pixie cut, and with helmets (like the silent film divas of the twenties of the last century), or in a daring combination of short bangs with long hair. A type of bangs, therefore, which can be combined with almost all types of cuts but, unfortunately, not with all types of face.

Who is Baby Bang good for?

Perfect for those with a small face, with fine features and pronounced cheekbones, it is absolutely not recommended for those with a wide forehead. Even those with a pronounced nose or a receding chin are better off not choosing it, opting instead for a longer bangs. Those with small eyes may notice that this part is highlighted by such a short bangs, and perhaps would prefer to adopt a tuft or a layered bangs. Speaking of face shapes: those who have a triangular shape, with a pronounced jaw, or a diamond, it is better not to choose the Baby Bang. On the other hand, heart-shaped and oval faces are immediately emphasized by this look.

Hairstyle combinations with the Baby Bang

With a collected hairstyle it is immediately elegant and refined, perfect not only for every day but also for special occasions. With her hair down she looks hippy: a boho-chic touch perfect for the hot season. With wavy hair it is more complicated to maintain, but it is just as fascinating!

Although the name contains the word baby, not only younger girls can wear it with ease: indeed, even over the “door” the short bangs brings a breath of freshness to the face and takes a few years away. Very trendy in combination with silver or white hair, for a bold and self-confident style.

To have a perfect Baby Bang, it is best to contact a hairstyling professional: it may seem easy to cut it yourself at home, especially if you already have bangs. Unfortunately, it is not easy to achieve a perfectly straight cut, as the classic short bangs would like. Even more difficult is the artfully moved version, which must be adjusted periodically.

After each wash, it is good to use mousse and ad hoc hair styling products to ensure a perfect line to the bangs, as well as using a straightener to make it ultra smooth, but also rounded. Every morning it must be styled, so it is advisable to use a heat protector to avoid damaging the hair. The best type of straightener for the baby Bang is the mini ceramic straightener, which does not put too much stress on the hair and, with its small size, is even easier to use with this type of bangs!


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